Video Draft

The draft video started out as my least favorite project we’ve done this semester. I found it difficult at first to use the software. Due to my inability to grasp this program, I wanted to limit the amount of editing for the video. The razor tool is the only part of the program that I am a master at using.

When I started, I wasn’t exactly sure what direction I wanted to go. I’m still not sure what I want to do for my final version, but I definitely want to expand on the video and add more elements. My idea was based around privacy and sharing information on social media. Since my sister has been such a great asset for the last project, I wanted to use her again.

I came up with a list of questions, used my iPhone and interviewed her. To my luck, we were able to record the entire interview in one take, and I think it turned out great. I wanted to interview some of her friends as well, but they’re a bit sensitive toward having this information out on the web.

Once I uploaded the recording into Premiere, I knew I needed to add a title and ending credits. It took me about a half an hour of trying on my own to add the title until I gave up and decided to Google the answer. It turned out, it’s fairly easy.

Since it was easy, once I Googled, to find out how to add a title, I decided to Google a video about a brief Premiere overview. I feel like an idiot because I spent so much time trying to work on the tutorials that were due before Thanksgiving break and couldn’t grasp the program. Something seemed to click with me once I found an overview of the software. I now think this program it pretty easy to use—at least the tools I might need are easy.

Going forward, I’m really interested in getting feedback from my classmates because I know this video can be so much better. While that’s what I draft is for, I’m sad that it took me so long to get the hang of Premiere. Since I had such a hard time initially, I did what I knew would be easy for me to edit in the program. Now that I know I can do more, I’d like to add other elements. story-board

5 thoughts on “Video Draft

  1. Angela,

    Great start to your video story! I enjoyed how you went about delivering your topic of privacy and sharing information on social media. I would have found it a bit difficult to come up with a way to present it, but an interview with a teen was fantastic.

    In terms of changes that you can benefit from would be taking shots from different angles. The one angle that you use for the entire video is great, but it definitely needs a little variation. This will ensure that your audience stays engaged with your video. Along with recording footage from other angles, the transitions will make the video pop. If these two aren’t options that you’re willing to try out, consider adding music to your video so it isn’t just question and answer format.

    Other than that, great job and I look forward to seeing the end result.



  2. Hi Angela,

    I enjoyed watching your Premiere video draft and reading your blog post on the topic and your process for creating it. Being smart with social media and privacy issues surrounding it is a very relevant topic for just about anyone nowadays, but especially those younger.

    Your interviewee seemed to be an appropriate person for the interview topic. She spoke well and it was very easy to follow and understand. Your interview question sequence was strong and sensible for the topic. The questions were appropriate and prompted the type of response you would want in this type of interview. Are you going for a Public Service Announcement or more general interview? Both seem like they would work here. Your title and ending credits were also strong with the effects used and the color contrast of white on black for easy readability.

    One thing I’d like to point out, but am unsure if you can change is that the interview was filmed vertically. I believe the videos should be shot horizontal. I also would suggest increasing the volume of yourself asking the interview questions in Premiere if you can, because you are a bit difficult to hear at times.

    Overall, great job!



  3. Angela –
    Great topic for your video story. Social Media is incredibly popular and I think it’s great you are bringing some awareness to the dangers of sharing too much information on the different platforms. I think a big strength of your video is your sister. She was definitely fun to watch and I enjoyed her animation around 0:37, regarding the risks of social networking. She was very well spoken and a huge asset for your video project. I also think the video did a nice job of not only touching on the dangers of too much information in terms of identity security, but also how critical it is for young people to realize that someday their potential employer could see everything you have ever posted on social media.

    A few recommendations for the final project would be to shoot the video horizontally. I remember reading that under the Basic Shooting Principles header on the Video Storytelling Fundamentals reading. This was something I struggled with initially as it is more comfortable and natural for me to shoot a vertical photo or video.

    I would also maybe include a more informative introduction in terms of setting up what the interview is about. Leaving it as “Sharing Information in the Social Media Age” is a little vague and could be construed differently by different viewers. Last thing would be to try and reduce the clock noise at 1:58 or so. Otherwise, great topic and your sister was fun to watch!


  4. Hi Angela,

    Let me start by agreeing with you on the least favorite program comment. I can sympathize with your finding the program a little difficult to use.

    Here are my suggestions for making the video better.

    First, I think you could break up the piece with some still shots. It might be helpful to look at the instructions in the tutorial assignment on taking a still photograph and panning over it. Maybe you could start the piece with a voiceover of a panned shot to set it up (After the title). Perhaps you could find an image with an open license that deals with social media and privacy. My other advice is to just start talking about the subject matter for the voiceover intro. What I mean to say is I find it works best for me if I just jump right in on the topic to introduce it “Privacy issues are important in the world of social media…. I will talk with an average social media user about their feelings on the subject”. I hope that makes sense. That might be more writing advice but could still be of use.

    The other thought I had is that you could benefit from some transitions. Fades or wipes, that sort of thing. Again I would direct you to the earlier tutorial assignment as it gives step by step instructions on how to get this done. Once you open the menus you could play around with a variety of options until you find something that works for you.

    I liked the conceptual aspect of the piece – talking with a young person who is in the middle of the issue. That was a strong aspect. The way she is presented is a little flat though. This can be improved upon by varying the shot distances and angles.

    Great start. Good luck.



  5. This has been the best round of critiques I’ve received thus far in the class. I have so much inspiration and a completely new direction in which I want to take my video. My current draft falls flat and doesn’t get my entire point across.

    Although I want to keep the overall concept of speaking to a “young person,” I realize now that I need to add additional elements to make the story stronger. I found a great photo from Creative Commons that I will use when I give my narration—another new point I want to add in my video. Additionally, I want to play with other elements, like the different slide transitions and film myself opening and viewing my personal Facebook and Twitter profiles.

    When I interviewed my sister, I didn’t realize my iPhone was vertical. For me, it’s completely natural to film vertically instead of horizontally. Although Lisa mentioned it wasn’t necessary to shoot the video again for the final project, I may ask my sister the same questions again so it can be horizontal. I’m hoping I can get the same exuberant answers she gave me before. If not, then I will use the original video I shot.

    I’m excited to get started on the final version.


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