Draft Logo

When I first started this assignment, I was extremely excited because I had, what I felt, was the perfect idea. Since my topic is social media, which has the ability to connect people globally, I wanted to create a 3D globe. After reading over the instructions, I learned that I couldn’t use any outside images. In order to complete my 3D globe, I needed a vector map of the continents. My skill level in Illustrator isn’t high enough to make continents myself because they’re pretty complex shapes.
With this new revelation, I needed to come up with a new logo idea. I was so set on my initial design that I had a difficult time coming up with a logo that represented my topic well. At first, I created text that said, “Connecting Globally.” That was going to be the focal point of my logo. I used a 3D effect on the text to make it stand out and also created a Wi-Fi symbol. I didn’t like my logo once it was created so I turned everything off and walked away from the design process.
Sitting back down at the computer the next day, I still hated my initial logo so I decided to start from scratch. Coming up with a new design was surprisingly easy once I took a step back. It occurred to me that most people use their phones to communicate on various social networking sites.
With that idea in mind, I decided to create an iPhone. I used my own phone as a reference when creating one in Illustrator. I used the rounded rectangle tool to create the initial iPhone outline, and I made sure the stroke was a bit thick so the line would stand out. Then, using scale under the transform option, I scaled a copy down to 80% so I could get the inside rounded rectangle shape for the screen. I played around with various scale sizes, but I liked the way 80% looked best.
After that, I created the little speaker at the top of the phone. Next, I used the ellipse tool to create the home button. I created another circle with a white stroke to create the inside look of the home bottom. I used the rounded rectangle tool again to create the blank icons and placed them accordingly. I made a line to separate the main icons at the bottom of the screen from the others.
I also used the ellipse tool again to create very small circles to show that there are three pages of icons. I copied those circles and used those to create the two circles that are at the top of the iPhone by the top speaker.
I felt that my design was still lacking even after creating the iPhone so I created the Wi-Fi symbol again. Changing the color to blue, I used the ellipse tool and created a circle. Then, I used the direct section tool to delete the excess circle that wasn’t needed. I bumped up the stroke and curved the lines a bit so the Wi-Fi symbol would stand out even more.
I still felt that this wasn’t enough, so I created text in green to help get my point across that people can be connected to each other globally.
Although I’m happy with my current logo, I’m looking forward to receiving feedback because I know the logo can be stronger. Considering where I started and the difficult time I had getting to the final concept, I am really pleased. I also found that my Illustrator skills are more advanced than I initially thought—although they’re nowhere near mastery. On a side note, I enjoyed this tool much more than Photoshop.


4 thoughts on “Draft Logo

  1. Hi Angela,

    I think you made a smart move in stepping back from your first design. Not because your first idea wasn’t good, only because it’s a healthy technique that helps, (mysteriously) sort out the information you’re trying to convey.
    The phone idea is a great symbol of people because it’s connecting to people.
    I’d love to see more boldness in your phone, like a black background with white keys or a reverse with a black frame and black keys.

    Have you tried any ideas with using the “wavelength” connecting two phones together since its what’s between them that you want, (I think you want!) A triangle is a solid shape: two simplified phones at the base and the wave at the apex.

    You are on the right track, keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing your final product!


  2. Angela,
    This is a really cool first draft on what can be quite a large, challenging topic. The strong points of this design is that the tagline is intriguing- “Connecting Globally” really makes the viewer want to know more about this business or idea. One thing I would possibly explore is simplifying the phone part of the logo, particularly the app shapes. It reads as a phone now, but if it was to be scaled smaller, the app shapes might get cluttered together. Thankfully, smart phone symbols are becoming extremely recognizable these days, so I don’t think you will lose the integrity of the idea if you were to simplify some of these shapes. Another thing to consider is color- the eye goes to the green first, then to the blue, then the black and white. Maybe make the entire logo the greens and blues, such as filling in the phone and making it blue, buttons or lines green, etc…I’d have fun with it! Giving this more color, or making it all black and white, will make an impact that fits the intrigue of the idea. Overall, neat first design! This is a very relevant topic to today’s media heavy world.


  3. Hi Angela,

    I like the approach and concept you used to create your draft logo. As was already mentioned your tagline is very strong reads well as a logo. The phone is good start as well but, maybe a simpler screen, maybe a solid color or gradient would l work well. I’m going to be honest I didn’t realize what the curved blue lines were without reading your description that it was a wifi symbol. Maybe if it went to increasingly smaller to a triangle point it would be more recognizable. One other thing I can think of that might work well is if you decided to change up the wifi logo make it larger and put it on the screen of the phone. Just a few random ideas that are hopefully helpful. Overall I think you have a good concept and I’m sure the final will come out very good.


  4. Hi Angela,

    Your graphic is very detailed and strong and gets your message of global communication across. I appreciate that you took us through your thought process and your initial design idea. I was having the same struggle; some of the ideas I would sketch on paper required used of an outside image or were just too far outside of my skill level to create. Given the circumstances, you did a great job adjusting a new concept! The strongest part of your logo by far is the detail and precision. Everything appears to be centered and equal which draws your eye in and creates a sense of professionalism for your brand.

    One suggestion that I have is working with a different font for your text. The remainder of your logo is very streamlined, straight edged, and “techy” while the text you chose doesn’t convey that to me. Maybe choose something more rounded and sleep like the button on the phone to tie those pieces together so that they seem more connected. Another suggestion I have is possibly adding an effect to the wifi symbols to make them look like they are broadcasting out of the phone. I’m thinking about the last tutorial that we did with the notebook coming from the corner of the page. This technique might look great here as well!



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